Our Blog

Welcome to the NO-BS Marketplace SEO blog.

Here we’ll cover the latest SEO industry news, link building tips and tricks, as well as other SEO related updates.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re looking for additional tips and tricks in the SEO space, you can find it here.

Enjoy reading!


SEO is an ever-changing world and that’s why we’re proud to share our findings with the wider SEO industry for free. I still remember the first days of learning SEO back in 2008. The only way most of us learnt back then was in forums like Warrior Forum and Black Hat World. I don’t hide the fact that, that is my history. I used to build PBNs and it worked, but times change and that’s why we care so much about showing the next generation of SEO’s there is a better and more transparent ways to do SEO.


Aaron Gray


Google Technical Issue Causes Chaos For Webmasters and SEOs As of the end of March 2019, it appears this search engine giant hasn’t been caching some websites across the internet which is strange in itself. Here’s some examples taken today April 9th, 2019. These are Cache examples of sites that haven’t been updated since the… Continue reading Is Google Australia Broken?


Web sites are now faster, as reflected in Google’s research data, since the company made Page Speed a ranking factor for mobile searches last July 2018. As stated in an article published on April 4, 2019 in a Google Webmaster Blog, there are several notable web speed improvements. Accordingly, about 95% of the countries are now experiencing… Continue reading Page Speed: Faster Internet Thanks To Google


  Product catalogs now appear on desktop search results in Google My Business Profiles in addition to mobile searches. This update was launched on April 4, 2019. The product catalog, which first appeared on October 2018 as reported by SearchEngineJournal, is an online display of goods and services that an establishment offers. It lets businesses to showcase their… Continue reading Google My Business Product Catalogs


Many businesses want to be major players when it comes to dominating SEO and even though they focus on most SEO strategies like outreach services etc, they tend to forget the local SEO strategy. They want the large amounts of traffic, the high authority and the traffic from the entire nation or world. While this… Continue reading Local SEO Efforts are Still Crucial to your Online Marketing Efforts


Google constantly has algorithm updates and the latest mobile-friendly update is old school –or is it? For some people, the algorithm is still a constant memory, as the negative effects still remain and the damage is very real.


Content for the simple sake of content… just doesn’t work on the Internet anymore. Adding a few keywords to ultra-boring SEO writing is not the solution. Let’s face it! You wouldn’t read anything that has no value and is uninteresting…and neither will your customers and readers. Your copy needs to effortlessly engage the interest of… Continue reading How To Engage An Audience


Link building is a common and very useful SEO strategy that can help boost your overall website rankings while building good brand reputation. Although link building can be successful when done the right way, what many people don’t know is that not all links are created equal. Backlinks can come in different forms with the… Continue reading Do Follow Link Building Vs No Follow: What’s The Difference


Get Better Indexing from Google with this Easy Way Before Google gets the best of you again, learn of a new change that could affect the way your website ranks. Well actually, if we’re honest here, this is a change that Google has always considered important…but now considers a top priority. It’s a security update,… Continue reading Google Promoting HTTPS


Success in social media marketing doesn’t rely entirely on the quality of content or number of connections your business has. Though nailing the quality of content is paramount, social media marketers ought to embrace the need for designing specific content for each platform to meet the needs of the majority users of the platforms. This… Continue reading Social Marketers’ Guide To Different Languages Of Social Media
