Key Power Tips On Using Content To Drive Finance Clients Through The Sales Funnel
Aaron Gray
- Blogs
April 13 , 2018
4 min read
Running a business in the finance industry can be demanding and very rewarding at the same time. One major issues that many finance businesses face is managing to turn leads into ongoing customers. If you’re a business in the finance sector and you’re looking to gain more clients, then here are the key power tips on how to use content to drive financial clients through the sales funnel for higher conversions. Let’s take a look
Content and The Sales Funnel: What You Can Do
- Keep Your Potential Customers Informed Using Blogs
Money is a big issue for many people. Because of this, people like to know that any business in the finance sector knows what they’re talking about in relation to money. This can be achieved by writing helpful and informative blogs that people can relate to and use in their everyday life. Some tips when writing blogs in the finance sector include:
- Write for your intended audience – everyday people, business owners, financial experts. You’ll gain a better response rate if you target your blogs for the right people. If your target audience is everyday people you don’t want to be writing something like ‘How To Improve Your Business Finances With These Tips’ instead you should be writing ‘How To Lower Your Personal Debt Over A Short Period Of Time’
- Use catchy headlines to help create a connection with your audience. Like the above suggestions, aim your content for the right people and use pain points that they may be struggling with to write strategic and problem-solving content that can help them.
- Make sure your content offers take away points so people can take them and implement them in their life today.
- Edit your content to make sure it reads well and doesn’t have any spelling or grammar mistakes. The idea of your blogs is to appear professional. Mistakes make you appear unprofessional and can lead people elsewhere.
Writing informative blogs and articles is one great way to use content to drive people through the sales funnel. If you play on your strengths and use pain points as a target for your article, you can easily create content that people will trust in, thus eventually trusting in your company and the services you offer.
- Show Client Feedback On Your Website
Testimonials and reviews are one of the most important piece of content you can have on your website. In this day and age, many people are relying more and more on reviews of businesses to decide whether they should use their services or buy their products. Because of this it’s important to place any good reviews you’ve gained over your years of operation on your website. In order for the best possible effect on your sales funnel, your reviews should be easily accessible. They should be placed on your homepage, in a specific tab where people can review, or they should be used on product/services pages if your financial business offers specific products or services. If you have reviews online, don’t forget to:
- Continue to check over any new reviews on a regular basis to monitor for negative feedback.
- Respond to both positive and negative reviews in a polite way.
- If you have a negative review, it’s important not to abuse the reviewer, instead think of ways you can use it to better your business and your services. Remember people are watching your business and how you respond to customers and clients.
Reviews are powerful, if you have more positive reviews that outweigh the negative reviews, then it’s time to add them to your website for better overall conversions.
- Product/Services Pages
When writing the content for your financial services or products pages, you need to remember a few things:
- Make sure the page tells your visitor what the service is about and more importantly, why it’s going to be of value and beneficial to them.
- It should offer a clear call to action with a link or button that sends your visitor to the contact page or the purchase page.
- It should answer some of the questions that people may be asking when they think of your service.
In developing content that improves your product and services pages you have a greater chance of peaking their interest enough to follow through the sales funnel into a potential new customer.
Overall, when wanting to drive more clients through the sales funnel it’s important to take into consideration the content that you have on your website. By taking these tips into consideration, you help to improve your chances of really driving more clients into profitable ongoing customers. So, are you ready to revamp your website content?
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