How To Write Killer Content That Increases Conversions For Your Website
Aaron Gray
- Blogs
April 30 , 2018
8 min read
Implementing a well-constructed content marketing plan can really drive home conversions for any website when done right. The problem is however, that many website owners don’t take the time to understand the basics of writing quality content that sells or don’t even take the time to create a blog. According tostatistics and research:
- Marketers enjoy up to 13x more positive ROI when they prioritize blogging efforts.
- Nowadays over 40% of companies in the USA use blogs as a way to market.
- There are 31% more bloggers in today’s world than in the years gone by with this number rising every year, making blogging a strong force to be reckoned with.
- Over 46% of people tend to read blogs more than once daily making it a profitable market when done right.
As you can see there are many reasons why you should work on your content strategy more to create a more effective turnover in your ROI, visitors, and profits. The key though is to write content that blows your competitors out of the water. Below are the basics of how to write killer content that increases conversions for your website.
Choose Your Template

Blogging can come in many different template forms. These include, but isn’t limited to:
- How-tos
- List posts
- Profile
- Reviews
- Interviews
- Case studies
- Essays
- News
Think of the template as the framework of your content. It gives you the direction and voice for your blog so you can drive your content creation towards this area. In choosing your template you will then have to choose a layout of how the content will be set out. A general blog usually features the following layout structure:
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
While you can cover as many points in your article as you want, the format is generally standard throughout different marketing strategies.
Phases Of Content
The phases of content are important to know to help you write content that converts. These general phases allow you to create killer content in any template:
- Generation Of Idea –Write down the different ideas you want to blog about and think about which one your audience would like to see first.
- Outline –Create a basic outline of what you want to cover in your blog with the key areas highlighted.
- Research –Do your research to find appropriate information that is believable and useful to you and your audience.
- Draft –Create a draft copy of your blog
- Revise/Proof– Let it sit for a day, then read back over it and revise/proof it. Can you make it better?
- Add images –When you’re happy with the end result add high quality images to it that are free to use. Some sites where you can purchase images include: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Fotolia, and Stock Photo Secrets.
Separating these tasks above and completing each one individually at separate times will enable you to work more efficiently and with a clear mind and idea of what you want to write about.
Writing your content
When it comes to writing your content you can start with completing the preliminaries first which include your conclusion, introduction and your headline. Why complete these first you ask? The reason for this is they tend to form a wrapper around your post to keep your post contained within the topic without straying too far outside the box. By knowing your beginning and ending you’ll be able to work your points toward matching your conclusion. As these are smaller chunks of writing that don’t require large amounts of research they are often easy to complete as well, letting you focus on the more in-depth research driven side of the blog. Some tips to creating these three key areas include:
Headline – Start with the headline first as this is the key topic the rest of the content is going to follow. This will also keep you focused on your purpose of the post and give direction to its destination. The headline should also be catchy to bring in visitors. Use an active voice which involves logical sentence structures and present-tense verbs. Examples of good and bad headlines include:
- Catchy Headline: Catch A Mega Fish With This Simple Rod Technique
- Boring Headline: Catch More Fish With This Technique
Introduction – The introduction doesn’t have to be a long one but it does have to tell your visitors what your blog will be about. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first time around, you will be revising it. In your introduction, state what your topic’s about, why it’s important for your readers and the ways you’re going to help readers solve the issue that has been presented to them.
Conclusion – The conclusion to your content needs to inspire your readers to take action or to challenge their thoughts or beliefs. To make a conclusion really interesting you could reserve tips or techniques about your topic that aren’t mentioned in the post. This will encourage the reader to find out more on the topic or allow them to feel satisfied with what they’ve just written. Upon closing your post, close with a call to action to push your visitors through the sales funnel for more conversions. You should also consider adding social media links for easy sharing and exposure of your content for more audience interaction.
Writing Your Points
Now that your 3 smaller main areas are complete you then need to create powerful content that your audience is going to love and which drives conversions. The key is for your audience to come away with something useful. To create the body of your article you need to:
- Start with an outline of what each point is going to cover.
- Research each individual point separately and start writing that point once you’ve done your research. It may seem backwards doing your research after you have outlined your points, but in fact it’s a lot easier as it gives you direction on what you’re going to write about.
- Take time to construct each part, rushed articles can be seen when reading. Don’t edit the parts as you go. Read the article as a whole at the end to make sure all parts work well together. Editing will also slow you down.
- Don’t place a word limit on your blog, while the safe limit is between 1000-2000 words don’t try to cut content out just to reach this limit. The more valuable content you add to a post the better and more traffic will visit your post.
- If you’re writing evokes a question in your mind, add it in and answer it. More times than enough your audience will also think the exact same thing.
- Write content that answers your title/question in full. Where possible use statistics for a more solid foundation of your post. Generic content is just that generic and the internet is full of it. Instead working more in-depth on each point and supplying samples, tips, solutions and so forth can help to bring value to your content that your readers believe in. The more valuable content you write the more your visitors will sign up to your website.
- Use bullet points where needed to help break up blocks of text and to show the most important data.
- At the end of the article you can add a section of key takeaways from the article as an overview for your audience.
- Add appropriate high quality images and screenshots to your posts to help clarify the ideas and points in your post.
- If needed create a story article which tells the reader about the info in a narrative-like way. This is a new way to create content and is interesting to the readers.
Content Outreach Services
Remember that creation of good content is not the only thing that you need to do. No matter how good your content is, if you don’t promote it to right people, it will never translate into traffic. Therefore, once you write content as per the guidelines above, its important to avail outreach services by connecting with relevant influencers.
Writing killer content that drives conversion is so much more than writing an idea in your head. With the right preparation and research, you can create powerful and conversion driven content to add to your content marketing strategy. Remember to take your time, you don’t have to get your post out the same day you write it, do you?
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