One of the reasons for Google’s popularity over other search engines is its overarching goal of providing excellent user experience through high-quality results for the subject matter a searcher wants to learn or discover more about. Another thing that makes Google popular among SEO professionals is that the company continues to develop the system by rolling out updates to discover and address technical issues or loopholes in the Google algorithm that shady entities can abuse to deceive consumers. They even have a Google search status dashboard where users can check the status of the Google search services for complete transparency.

What Is An Algorithm, anyway?
An Algorithm is a step by step method which is used to help solve a problem in computer operations and data processing. Algorithms are designed to manipulate data in a number of ways to help a person or program come to a solution to anything they may be having issues with. Internet search engines like Google perform a search algorithm update annually to help promote better functions for website users. A proper SEO strategy is based on this algorithm.
What is a Google Algorithm Update?
A Google algorithm update is a system update in which parameters and search algorithm data is modified to help provide better organic search results for a searcher, along with enhancing search rankings of websites. These types of updates made by Google are designed to try and penalise websites which don’t conform to their webmaster guidelines and praise those who do. Google continues to upgrade their search algorithms regularly to help provide a better overall experience for website visitors and website owners.
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Here are the minor and major algorithm updates that transformed the Google search engine into the powerhouse that it is today; beginning with the latest:
Penguin 2.1
August and October 2013
4 min read
Penguin 2.1, also known as Penguin #5, affected one percent of Google searches but it was considered as a relatively minor data update and not an algorithm modification.
In-Depth Articles
August 2013
4 min read
In August, Google announced that they were prioritizing websites with high-quality, in-depth content since as much as 10 percent of users want to learn about a broad topic. The team recommended webmasters to provide authorship markup and create compelling posts to see an improvement in their SEO.
Read In-Depth Articles: Helping Users Come Across the Ungoogleable
Payday Loan
June 2013
4 min read
The Payday Loan update targeted niches which have spammy queries such as payday loans and porn. The update rolled out over two months. It went after illegal link schemes which impacted 0.3 percent of Google searches.
Penguin 2.0
May 2013
4 min read
Penguin 2.0 provided significant improvements in the quality of algorithms. Google continued to crack down on web spam with more restrictions. Several websites felt tremendous traffic loss caused by lower visibility.

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