
One of the reasons for Google’s popularity over other search engines is its overarching goal of providing excellent user experience through high-quality results for the subject matter a searcher wants to learn or discover more about. Another thing that makes Google popular among SEO professionals is that the company continues to develop the system by rolling out updates to discover and address technical issues or loopholes in the Google algorithm that shady entities can abuse to deceive consumers. They even have a Google search status dashboard where users can check the status of the Google search services for complete transparency.

What Is An Algorithm, anyway?

An Algorithm is a step by step method which is used to help solve a problem in computer operations and data processing. Algorithms are designed to manipulate data in a number of ways to help a person or program come to a solution to anything they may be having issues with. Internet search engines like Google perform a search algorithm update annually to help promote better functions for website users. A proper SEO strategy is based on this algorithm.

What is a Google Algorithm Update?

A Google algorithm update is a system update in which parameters and search algorithm data is modified to help provide better organic search results for a searcher, along with enhancing search rankings of websites. These types of updates made by Google are designed to try and penalise websites which don’t conform to their webmaster guidelines and praise those who do. Google continues to upgrade their search algorithms regularly to help provide a better overall experience for website visitors and website owners.

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Here are the minor and major algorithm updates that transformed the Google search engine into the powerhouse that it is today; beginning with the latest:

Panda 2.2 to 2.4

  • calender calendar-blackJune and August 2011
  • calendar-black 4 min read

The search engine continues to update sites and data impacted by Panda, which occur separately from the main index. The 2.2 version aimed to improve scraper detection. The Panda update 2.3 consisted of minor enhancements in the system while 2.4 was when the update became available internationally.

Read Panda 2.2, 2.3, And 2.4: Enhancing The Update For A Better Web

The +1 Button

  • calender calendar-blackMarch 2011
  • calendar-black 4 min read

Google introduced the +1 button that’s similar to the Like feature, which shows a thumbs-up icon, on Facebook. It showed up directly next to result links and affected the SERPs of a user’s social circle for both organic and paid results.

Read The +1 Button: Adding A Social Layer To Search


  • calender calendar-blackFebruary 2011
  • calendar-black 4 min read

In February, the search engine conducted the first significant algorithm update in the history of Google that had an impact on about 12 percent of search results. The Panda update brought to the table a new way of evaluating websites. This broad core update laid down the groundwork of the battle against spam, content farms, scrapers, and sites with a high ad-to-content ratio.

Read Panda: The Quest For High-Quality Results

Attribution Update

  • calender calendar-blackJanuary 2011
  • calendar-black 4 min read

Google rolled out an update that improves how content attribution is sorted out to stop scrapers on January 28, 2011. This came as a response to high-profile spam cases. It’s believed to be a forerunner of the Panda update.

Read Attribution Update: Penalizing Plagiarism

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