What Is SEO Writing? How to Write SEO-Friendly Content



SEO writing optimizes content to rank higher in unpaid search engine results pages by incorporating tactics that appeal to both visitors and search algorithms. This involves research-driven keyword targeting, on-page optimization elements, quality content creation with multimedia, and site authority-building strategies driven by user intent matching.

Want your valuable content to be read? Like, truly read by real human eyeballs on the other side of the screen? Then, crafting SEO-friendly content isn’t just good practice—it’s essential.

See, slapping words on a page doesn’t cut it anymore. With over a billion websites vying for attention, you need to play by the rules. Specifically, the search engine’s rules. Optimizing your writing for both search bots AND visitors ensures your insights reach the right readers when they need them most.

This article will explore simple ways to create SEO content that captivates audiences while also appeasing the mighty Google gods. Let’s crack the content marketing code together!

What Does SEO Writing Stand For?

SEO stands for ‘search engine optimization.’ When you apply SEO strategies to writing, you are optimizing content to rank higher and be more visible in unpaid search engine results. The goal is to use targeted keywords and search-friendly formatting to help your pages and posts appear more prominently when your audience searches for topics related to what you offer.

This allows you to connect with consumers who are actively looking for solutions like yours, making them more likely to convert and become customers. In short, SEO writing helps you create content designed not just for visitors, but also for search algorithms.

What Is the Difference Between SEO Writing and Content Writing?

Here’s the difference between SEO writing and general content writing:


General content writing aims to inform, educate or entertain a human audience. SEO writing does this, too but must also incorporate tactics that gain the trust of search algorithms. The focus shifts slightly from writing solely for visitors to crafting content for both visitors AND search bots.


SEO writers rely heavily on keyword research to identify terms and questions their audiences are asking about a topic. These exact phrases then get worked into content to help match search intent. Content writers have more leeway in choosing words based only on what resounds with readers.


Extra effort goes into formatting elements like metadata, alt text, headings, links and more to optimize for higher search ranking. Content writers focus less on these technical SEO components.


While all writing looks to produce quality content, SEO writers keep search visibility at the forefront. This governs word choice and structure. General audience resonance is still important but should align with search optimization goals.

What Are the Types of SEO Content?

While the phrase ‘SEO content’ may conjure blog posts, many formats work for optimizing content. Types include:

Product Pages

Product pages showcase and provide details on specific goods or services you sell. They allow visitors to view pricing, features, images, videos, and other attributes of individual offerings to inform purchase consideration and conversion.

Blog Posts

Blog posts are regular articles published online focusing on topics related to your niche and offerings. These Build authority by demonstrating expertise around industry questions and consumer pain points through consistent value-driven insights published over time.


Articles are more in-depth standalone content resources that provide researched guidance and expertise around focused keyword topics in an article format. Articles allow the showcasing of multimedia elements alongside text in an authoritative document structure.


Lists present ‘best of’ style ranking recommendations of top products, tips, or resources focused on specific keyword subjects. The numbered or bulleted format allows simplified scanning for users while optimizing around the foremost questions searchers have.


Guides function as go-to content hubs delving extensively into single subjects highly relevant for your audience. As cornerstone resources around buyer-intent keywords, guides establish authority by comprehensively addressing associated information needs.


Infographics visually communicate complex data comparisons, statistics, flowcharts, and other elements related to high-value keyword targets in easily scannable graphical formats. These eye-catching assets simplify understanding while integrating keywords creatively.

How To Do SEO Writing

Here’s how to write content for SEO:

  1. Create A List of Content Topics

    Before creating any content, extensively brainstorm a list of potential topics specifically tailored around what your ideal customers intrinsically want to know. These should map directly to genuine information gaps, questions and pain points your audience currently has.

    For example, around outdoor home security cameras, buyers likely wonder:

    • What features really impact image quality and reliability?
    • How weatherproof are components for my region’s climate?
    • What mobile app integration options provide the best notifications?
    • Do I need professional help installing and hiding wiring?

    Tools like BuzzSumo and Google’s related search and autocomplete features help uncover these consumer queries to inform topic ideas, along with direct customer conversations.

    Frame topics as searchable questions. Consider:

    • ‘How do outdoor security cameras connect: Wired or wireless?’
    • ‘What is the best resolution for night vision video quality?’

    This question-framing technique positions content to solve information needs. It speaks directly to search intent beyond broad one-word keyword targeting. Guide readers from confusion to clarity.

    The goal is to brainstorm questions potential buyers intrinsically have that your products/services can then answer authoritatively within the content. Identify gaps and fill them.

  2. Generate Keywords Out of Your Topics

    Once you have a list of content topics, the next crucial step is discovering the specific keyword phrases people are searching for related to those subjects. This allows you to align your content with actual user intent.

    Powerful keyword research tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google’s Keyword Planner can surface this data. All you need to do is enter a topic, and the tools will provide keyword ideas along with monthly search volume data.

    For example, around the home security camera topic, you may uncover these high-value search queries:

    • best outdoor security camera system
    • affordable outdoor security cameras
    • easy installation outdoor security cameras
    • night vision outdoor security camera motion activated

    Identifying these precise terms and questions that potential customers are asking allows you to then naturally incorporate them into your content.

    In essence, keyword research ensures your content covers high-demand topics and answers the specific questions consumers have in those areas. The power is then letting search algorithms match that relevancy up with searchers.

  3. Outline Your Content to Match Search Intent

    When structuring your content, you must ensure it fulfills the search intent behind the keywords and topics. This requires aligning your sections and subheadings to cover the elements people want to see when they search those terms.

    For example, around ‘best home security systems,’ searchers likely want to know:

    • What features to look for when comparing systems
    • Whether professional installation is needed
    • The monthly and upfront costs of top providers
    • If contracts are required
    • The reliability of self-monitoring vs third party

    Outlining content to match this intent could result in sections like:

    • Key Home Security System Features To Consider
    • DIY Install vs Professional: What’s the Difference?
    • 2022 Pricing Breakdown of Best Providers
    • Contracts: Are They Necessary?
    • Self-Monitoring VS Third-Party Monitoring

    Formatting information this way allows search engines to match content structure with topic relevance.

  4. Write Thorough Content

    When drafting content around your outlined topics, ensure you expand on each element and provide true value to searchers. Avoid thin, unnecessary fluff. Instead, dig deeper into each aspect using supporting details like:

    • Statistical data and market reports
    • Expert perspectives from thought leaders
    • Case studies and real-world examples
    • Cost comparisons
    • Images, charts, or graphs
    • Step-by-step instructions

    For example, in a post on ‘DIY vs Professional Home Security Installation,’ you could include:

    • Average cost savings of DIY install
    • Charts highlighting main equipment differences
    • Examples of complex setups needing pro install
    • Quotes from home security experts
    • Photo illustrations of basic self-installed components
    • A tutorial video walking through common DIY steps

    This substance, backed by multimedia elements, demonstrates your authority while ensuring readers get true value.

  5. Add Your Keywords To Your Content

    Once you’ve written your content around the outlined structure matching search intent, seamlessly blend in your researched keyword phrases. These should flow naturally within sentences as they would organically come up when covering your topics.

    For example, in a post about ‘outdoor security cameras,’ you could incorporate key phrases like:

    • ‘the best outdoor security camera provides excellent night vision and motion-activated alerts’
    • ‘we compared image quality across affordable outdoor security cameras under $100’
    • ‘easy installation is critical for durable outdoor security cameras’

    Avoid awkwardly over-optimizing and force-fitting keywords. Instead, work them in sincerely where helpful for readers. This natural incorporation signals relevance to search engines without detracting from the user experience.

    Use related keywords in:

    • Headings and subheadings
    • Opening and closing paragraphs
    • Image file names and alt text
    • URL slugs

    This stacks relevance signals across critical on-page SEO elements.

  6. Optimize Your Title Tags

    Your title tags (the HTML titles that show up in search listings) serve as critical optimization touchpoints. Ensure these pack in keywords while captivating searchers.

    Rules for optimizing title tags:

    • Keep under 60 characters
    • Incorporate a primary keyword target phrase
    • Use emotional keywords like ‘best,’ ‘ultimate,’ or ‘definitive’
    • Entice clicks with specificity and intrigue

    For example, for an outdoor security camera post targeting the phrase ‘easy installation outdoor security cameras,’ effective title tag options could include:

    • The 5 Best Easy Install Outdoor Security Cameras of 2022
    • Top-Rated, Effortless Outdoor Security Cameras You Can Install in Under an Hour
    • 2022’s Definitive Guide: Foolproof Outdoor Security Cams With Super Simple Installs

    Follow this formula of leading with keywords while concluding tempting titles with intrigue and specificity. This piques user interest while still signaling to search engines a focus on relevance. Compelling title tags translate to higher rankings and more traffic.

  7. Write an Engaging Meta Description

    Meta descriptions summarize your content for search engines using 155-160 characters. This snippet is critical for nailing click-throughs from listings.

    Tips for compelling meta copy:

    • Don’t keyword stuff. Use 1-2 target phrases.
    • Employ emotive words like ‘results-driven,’ ‘easy,’ ‘guaranteed’
    • Use power words: discover, secrets, definitive, best-in-class
    • Create intrigue and specificity

    For example, a home security outdoor camera meta description could read:

    ‘Searching for the best outdoor security cameras in 2022 that you can install in under an hour? Discover our definitive guide to effortless, motion-activated outdoor cams for guaranteed peace of mind.’

    This uses keywords while leveraging curiosity and strong benefit-driven language. Driving clicks gets eyes on your optimized content. That traffic signals relevance to search engines while bringing you business! Write meta descriptions that deliver tangible user value.

  8. Use Internal Links

    Internal links point readers to other relevant pages within your own website. These not only help visitors dive deeper into your offerings but also signal connections for search bots.

    Tips for effective internal linking:

    • Link core topical phrases to supporting content hubs
    • Cross-link blog posts showcasing interconnectedness
    • Point product/service pages to detailed categories and buying guides
    • Drive homepage and other navigation traffic to key landing pages

    For example, in an outdoor security camera blog post you could link:

    • ‘outdoor security systems’ to an outdoor surveillance buying guide
    • ‘night vision’ features to a product specs post
    • ‘wire-free installation’ to a page on wireless equipment

    Think of your site like an ecosystem where pages interrelate for both user and search bot navigation. Link building reinforces relevance for algorithms while enabling pathways for ongoing value.

  9. Link To External Pages

    Links to reputable external sources lend third-party credibility that search engines value. However, relevance and quality are key – don’t just link out without good cause.

    Tips for strategic external links:

    • Cite statistics from trusted industry research firms.
    • Reference expert analysis from recognized sector leaders.
    • Support arguments using quality governmental data.
    • Link to other informative, non-competitive resources.

    For example, in a post comparing top home security systems, you could link out to:

    • Consumer Reports ratings that align with your recommendations
    • Interviews with safety experts explaining monitored system benefits
    • FBI crime data reinforcing home protection importance
    • Educational guides for installing sensors from a trade association

    Employ authoritative external links judiciously to highlight agreement while contributing overall value for readers. This signals to search bots that your content is aligned with credible sources searchers trust.

  10. Add Related Words and Phrases

    When organically incorporating your primary keyword targets into content, also blend in relevant secondary terms and phrases. These ‘long-tail keywords’ widen the discoverability of your pages.

    For example, around ‘outdoor security cameras,’ additional vocabulary might include:

    • Surveillance, video monitoring, CCTV
    • Wireless, WiFi-enabled, remote access
    • Night vision, infrared, HD resolution
    • Weatherproof, waterproof housing
    • Motion detection sensors, alarm triggers

    You can sprinkle these into:

    • Body text surrounding main keywords
    • Image file names and alt text
    • Related links and anchor text
    • Opening and closing paragraphs

    Just as searchers may phrase questions differently, your content must address term variances. For example:

    ‘The best HD wireless security camera for all-weather outdoor video surveillance relies on motion-activated alarms to trigger notifications.’

    This shows comprehensive topic alignment beyond exact keyword matching. Expanding beyond primary keywords displays depth while increasing the lexical ways searchers can discover you.

  11. Add Multimedia Elements to Your Content

    Formatting content with visual elements like images, charts, videos, and infographics keeps visitors engaged while breaking up heavy text. This provides additional opportunities for reinforcing keywords and intent.

    Multimedia options to incorporate include:

    • Images – Include file name keywords. Optimize alt text.
    • Charts/Graphs – Display relevant comparisons and data.
    • Videos – Embed video content and transcripts referencing keywords.
    • Infographics – Visually represent tips, statistics, and ways to take action.

    For example, for an outdoor security camera buying guide, multimedia could consist of:

    • Comparison tables contrasting camera resolutions
    • Bar graphs highlighting most attempted break-in locations
    • Infographics with home security installation tips
    • Videos reviewing tricky wireless camera mounting
    • Image galleries demonstrating night vision quality

    Ideally, these visual assets would utilize targeted key phrases in their attached descriptions and metadata to reinforce relevance.

    Strategic multimedia deepens reader value while enabling additional impressions of key terminology. Search bots can match this auxiliary content, strengthening your primary text. Formatting a portion of pages visually keeps audiences engaged in your optimized advice.

  12. Promote Your Content

    Creating optimized content is only the first step. You need to actively promote that content to drive initial visitors and engagement signals. This kickstarts virtuous cycles of traffic and conversions.

    Strategic promotion touchpoints include:

    • Email campaigns to existing subscriber lists
    • Social media posts across established platforms
    • Direct links within online community groups
    • Cross-promotion modules on site homepages
    • Collaboration with industry partners

    For example, an outdoor home security camera buyer’s guide could leverage:

    • A dedicated email newsletter blast about the new guide to existing contacts
    • Multiple Facebook and Instagram posts highlighting guide downloads
    • Backlinked mentions of the guide posted in safety forum discussions
    • Homepage callouts directing security shoppers to the guide
    • Co-promotion partnerships with outdoor lighting brands

    This multiplier effect expands your overall reach while developing referral pathways back to content. Driving that initial awareness accelerates opportunities for search visibility as more visitors means more engagement. Promote proudly and widely. Content is meant to be consumed for business impact!

  13. Analyze the Competition

    The final piece of optimizing content involves monitoring your top competitors who are outranking you for key terms.

    Ways to analyze the competition:

    • Use keyword tracking to identify sites outperforming you
    • Review their content formats, length and depth
    • Examine their overall site architecture
    • Note additional media assets leveraged
    • Sign up for their site updates to analyze outreach

    For example, around ‘best outdoor security cameras’ if a competitor site ranks higher, assess elements like:

    • Their content word count and page structure
    • How in-depth their camera reviews and comparisons are
    • What related links and internal cross-references they utilize
    • How many expert perspectives or media features are included
    • What email or social promotion they use to boost content

    This competitive analysis allows you to strategically emulate what is working while continuously bettering your own content. The search algorithm rewards those producing the most helpful content – make sure that it’s you!

    Iteratively enhancing your content based on real evidence transforms effective SEO into a process of perpetual optimization and improvement.

  14. Final Thoughts

    With the sheer amount of content being created daily, incorporating SEO best practices into your writing is essential. This ensures the quality information you produce will be found by those looking for it. By actively optimizing for the moments when people search for what you offer, your content works round-the-clock to attract and assist the right audiences.

    Use these SEO writing principles to ensure you connect with consumers when they need you most. Consistently providing searchers with content tailored to their intent develops consumer trust while unlocking new business opportunities.

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