How To Come Up With Blog Post Ideas
Aaron Gray
- Blogs
January 24 , 2020
9 min read
Mind block—the ultimate enemy of a writer when creating blog topics for new content. No matter how much you curse and swear at the computer screen, those tiny words just won’t flow out. I had this just recently. I was creating topic titles for upcoming blog posts and, for once in my life, my mind went blank, like a piece of paper with invisible ink on it.
So how did I overcome this? I decided to do the only thing that I could think of:
Write this blog.
So without further torturing you with a lot of unnecessary intro content, here’s my simple step-by-step guide on how to come up with blog post ideas to create catchy titles for your blogs.
How To Come Up With Blog Post Ideas
STEP 1: Write Crappy HeadlinesÂ
Yes, you read that right—crappy headlines. In order to be good, you have to start with being bad—without being bad, how can you improve?
So, start by working out the niche you’re trying to write your blogs in. For this example I’ll be using digital marketing.
Once your niche it set, work on writing just random crappy, everyday boring topics, like the following below:
- SEO Tips For Beginners
- Content Marketing Tips For Businesses
- Advantages Of Link Building
Boring, right? But don’t get discouraged. This is a good starting point.
Now let’s move on to…
STEP 2: Understand Power WordsÂ
Power words—ever heard of them? If not, you’re not alone. Power words are, overall, general words that give power or life to written content. They’re designed to evoke excitement, danger, curiosity, and other emotions in the reader.
Power words come in different categories depending on the emotional reaction you’re trying to gain from the reader. These categories include:
- Greed – For triggering the desire for more money or those who want to save money.
- Curiosity – For triggering the desire to look closer into something.
- Unmotivated – For triggering motivation for those who are unmotivated.
- Lust – For triggering the overall sensation for desire.
- Vanity – For triggering self-imagery of oneself.
- Trust – For triggering trust in someone.
- Anger – For triggering the feeling of anger in people.
- Fear – For triggering the essence of fear.
Some power words you might find useful to add to your titles include the following (beware, though, it’s an extensive list):
Beware | Beating | Backlash | Assault |
Apocalypse | Armageddon | Annihilate | Agony |
Cataclysmic | Cadaver | Bumbling | Buffoon |
Bomb | Bloody | Blinded | Bloodbath |
Blood | Bloodcurdling | Dangerous | Crisis |
Danger | Caution | Collapse | Catastrophe |
Corpse | Crazy | Cripple | Fail |
Feeble | Epidemic | Embarrass | Dumb |
Disastrous | Drowning | Destroy | Devastating |
Death | Deadly | Holocaust | Hoax |
Hazardous | Hack | Gullible | Gambling |
Frantic | Fooled | Frightening | Fire |
Mired | Meltdown | Lurking | Horrific |
Insidious | Hurricane | IRS | Invasion |
Jeopardy | Jail | Lawsuit | Looming |
Lunatic | Poor | Plummet | Poison |
Piranha | Peril | Scream | Refugee |
Murder | Mistake | Painful | Poison |
Nightmare | Pale | Reckoning | Prison |
Panic | Played | Savage | Risky |
Revenge | Pitfall | Plague | Pus |
Slaughter | Smash | Suck | Searing |
Tailspin | Terrorist | Shatter | Suffering |
Silly | Strangle | Wounded | Slave |
Stupid | Shellacking | Scary | Teetering |
Terror | Targeted | Tank | Warning |
Torture | Toxic | Wreaking havoc | Worry |
Vulnerable | Tragedy | Trap | Victim |
Vaporize | Trauma | Volatile | Traumatising |
Greedy | Ruthless | Sick and tired | Hostile |
Arrogant | Agitate | Hate | Snooty |
Loathsome | Backstabbing | Know-it-all | Money-grubbing |
Annoy | Abuse | Lies | Underhanded |
Foul | Force-fed | Corrupt | Stink |
Screw | Morally bankrupt | Crooked | Revolting |
Rant | Raise hell | Beat down | Ass kicking |
Coward | Disgusting | Diminish | Crush |
Worst | Weak | Wounded | Diatribe |
Bullshit | Maul | Lying | Miff |
Lose | Sneaky | Smug | B.S. |
Buffoon | Brutal | Fear | Payback |
Obnoxious | Pound | Thug | Vicious |
Boil over | Punish | Snotty | Stuck up |
Broke | Sniveling | No Good | Nazi |
Snob | Pitiful | Exploit | Evil |
Bully / Victim | Provoke | Waste | Violent |
No questions asked | Lifetime | Improved | Fully refundable |
No strings attached | No risk | No obligation | Money Back |
Professional | Privacy | Pay zero | Ensured |
Protected | Official | Ironclad | Guaranteed |
Genuine | Expert | Recession-proof | Recognized |
Scientifically-proven | Studies show | Refund | Proven |
Research | Tested | Well-respected | Reliable |
Safety | Results | Secure | Worldwide |
Verify | Track | Try before you buy | Unconditional |
Record | Anonymous | Case study | Certified |
Dependable | Endorsed | Don’t worry | Best |
Accredited | Authentic | Authoritative | Best selling |
Cancel anytime | According to | Approved | Reliability |
Backed | Because | Authority | Bona fide |
Magic | Amazing | Lucky | Ahead of the game |
Strong | Stunning | At the top | Money-making |
Attractive | Staggering | Mind-blowing | Amplify |
Gorgeous | Good-looking | Guts | Successful |
Handsome | Victory | Wealthy | Cheer |
Valor | Crowned | Vanquish | Clever |
Conquer | Brazen | Brassy | Boost |
Boss | Bravery | Courage | Booming |
Spectacular | Spine | Noteworthy | Notable |
Sassy | Sensational | Prosperous | Smart |
Daring | Quick-witted | Remarkable | Saucy |
Super-human | Ultimate | Optimal | Unbeaten |
Turbo charge | Triumph | Undefeated | Jaw-dropping |
Jubilant | Legendary | Kick ass | Hero |
Fearless | Wondrous | You | Knockout |
Foxy | Epic | Elite | Wonderful |
Fortunate | Enchant | Genius | Elegant |
Bold / Effective | Brilliant | Bright | Drop-dead |
Awe-inspiring | Beautiful | Defiance | Dazzling |
Lascivious | Magnetic | Shameless | Lonely |
Depraved | Compelling | Spank | Sweaty |
Naughty | Tantalizing | Charismatic | Passionate |
Mind-blowing | Sex | Wild | Sinful |
Captivating | Sleeping | Whip | Provocative |
Brazen | Mischievous | Tease | Uncensored |
Fascinating | Lick | Pleasurable | Lust |
Alluring | Lovely | Steamy | Sleazy |
Riveting | Crave | Scandalous | Tawdry |
Engaging | Mouthwatering | Promiscuous | Wanton |
Exotic | Dirty | Stimulating | Enchanting |
Exposed | Obsession | Urge | Striking |
Desire | Thrilling | Sensual | Hypnotic |
Forbidden | Intriguing | Naked | Flirt |
Building blocks | In record time | Printable | How-to |
Basic | In less than | Piece of cake | Plain |
On demand | Accessible | Manifest | Ready |
Cheat sheet | Freebie | Ingredients | Simple |
All-inclusive | Gift | Painless | Picnic |
Components | Manageable | Pattern | Factors |
Comprehensive | No-nonsense | Simple as ABC | Quick |
Efficient | No sweat | Tools | Uncomplicated |
Mere | Index | Replicate | No problem |
Child’s play | Itemized | Roadmap | Guide |
Kickstart | Elements | Straightforward | Template |
Downloadable | Elementary | Steal | Nothing to it |
Cinch | Formula | Smooth-sailing | Instant |
Effortless | Foolproof | Mold | Smooth |
Clear | Copy | Light | Snap |
Model | Swipe | List | Report |
Now | Complete | Steps | Minutes |
Easy | Fill in the blanks | Economical | Free |
Undiscovered | On the QT | Be the first | Uncharted |
Become an insider | Banned | Off-limits | Trade secret |
Behind-the-scenes | Under wraps | Unauthorized | Unbelievable |
Unconventional | Odd | Astonishing | Off-the-record |
Priceless | Under the table | Outlawed | Backdoor |
Cringeworthy | Private | Dark | Top-secret |
Crazy | Elusive | Underground | Extraordinary |
Eye-opening | Limited | Interesting | Super secret |
Unexplained | Confessions | Little-known | Strange |
Unheard of | Controversial | Members only | Unsung |
Key | Invitation only | Stunning | Thought-provoking |
Black market | Classified | Login required | Shocking |
Hilarious | Illusive | Smuggled | Sneak peek |
Myths | Wacky | Bizarre | Withheld |
Insider | Forbidden | Hush-hush | Unexplored |
Psycho | Remote | Class full | Spoiler |
Bootleg | Censored | Untold | Zany |
Restricted | Unlock | Secrets | Shh! |
Privy | Blacklisted | Ridiculous | Unusual |
Unique | Lost | Secret | Illegal |
Closet | Incredibly | Confidential | Cover-up |
Hidden | Forgotten | Concealed | Covert |
Whopping | Sale ends soon | Reduced | Don’t miss out |
While they last | Soaring | Save / Savings | Price Break |
Value | Special | Running Out | Prize |
Skyrocket | Surge | Rich | Profit |
Upsell | Treasure | Quick | Quadruple |
Ultimate | Triple | Bargain | Before |
Reduced | Six-figure | Frenzy | Frugal |
Greatest | Gift | Giveaway | Guilt-free |
Hurry | Best | Big | Inexpensive |
Cash | Bonus | Bonanza | Billon |
Cheap | Instantly | Jackpot | Deadline |
Premiere | New | Now | Pay zero |
Discount | Never again | Last chance | Limited |
Monetize | Massive | Marked Down | Luxurious |
Nest egg | More Money | Fortune | First |
Final | Feast | Fast | Extra explode |
Expires | Exclusive | Economical | Dollar |
Wow, that was a long list!
STEP 3: Utilise Power WordsÂ
So now you’ve had your eyes overwhelmed by the exhaustive list of power words—I know, there was a lot there—and now it’s time to put it into action. So, take the crappy titles you’ve had before:
- SEOÂ Tips For Beginners
- Content Marketing Tips For Businesses
- Advantages Of Link Building
Now think of the emotion you want to trigger from your title. What is it? For this article we’re going to try a few types of power words to generate interesting and creative topics. Let’s take a look below at the topics with different power words added.
Title: SEO Tips For BeginnersÂ
Power Word Type | Words Used | New Title |
Greed | Inexpensive, Skyrocket | Inexpensive SEO Tips For Beginners That Skyrocket Your Startup |
Curiosity | Bizarre, Eye-opening | Bizarre SEO Tips For Beginners That Give Eye-Opening Results |
Unmotivated | In record time, effortless | Effortless SEO Tips For Beginners That Rank You In Record Time |
Title: Content Marketing Tips For BusinessesÂ
Power Word Type | Words Used | New Title |
Lust | Mind-blowing, Alluring | Mind-Blowing Content Marketing Tips To Make Your Business Alluring To Leads |
Vanity | Fearless, Jaw-dropping | Fearless, Jaw-Dropping Content Marketing Tips For Small Businesses |
Trust | No-Risk, Genuine | No-Risk Content Marketing Tips For Genuine Businesses |
Title: Advantages Of Link BuildingÂ
Power Word Type | Words Used | New Title |
Anger | Ass-Kicking, Crush | Ass-Kicking Advantages Of Link Building That Can Crush The Competition |
Fear | Dangerous, Terror | Dangerous Advantages Of Link Building That Can Bring Terror To Your Competition |
Do you see the difference? Yes, these titles are enhanced, but did you know there’s still another way you can raise the level of titles?
Yes, that’s right. This is with the use of numbers…
STEP 4: Add NumbersÂ
By adding numbers to the beginning of your titles, it helps to give you that extra lift you may be looking for. Let’s have a look using the same titles as before:
Title: SEO Tips For BeginnersÂ
New Title |
7 Inexpensive SEO Tips For Beginners That Skyrocket Your Startup |
10 Bizarre SEO Tips For Beginners That Give Eye-Opening Results |
9 Effortless SEO Tips For Beginners That Rank You In Record Time |
Title: Content Marketing Tips For BusinessesÂ
New Title |
18 Mind-Blowing Content Marketing Tips For Alluring Leads To Your Businesses |
14 Fearless, Jaw-Dropping Content Marketing Tips For Businesses |
19 No-Risk Content Marketing Tips For Genuine Businesses |
Title: Advantages Of Link BuildingÂ
New Title |
22 Ass-Kicking Advantages Of Link Building That Can Crush The Competition |
24 Dangerous Advantages Of Link Building That Can Bring Terror To Your Competition |
Adding something as simple as numbers can really help bring life to your already intriguing titles.
STEP 5: Think Outside The BoxÂ
Following a set order of instructions is good and all, but don’t forget to think outside the box.
What I mean is, try to experiment with the titles and rearranging them with a mixture of power words, and even rearranging the way they’ve been written.
Here’s an example of a couple from our previous topic title variations:
Title: SEO Tips For BeginnersÂ
Before |
7 Inexpensive SEO Tips For Beginners That Skyrocket Your Startup |
10 Bizarre SEO Tips For Beginners That Give Eye-Opening Results |
9 Effortless SEO Tips For Beginners That Rank You In Record Time |
After |
7 Sensational Startup Marketing Tips To Skyrocket Your SEO Efforts |
10 Eye-Opening SEO Mistakes That Can Make You A Victim |
9 Expert SEO Tips That Give You A Building Block Of Unexplored Results |
With just a bit of imagination, a sprinkle of thought, and some good old fashion skills, you can overcome your writer’s block and deliver outstanding article titles like no other.
Whether you’re creating a new blog, link building, or you need to generate content for your own website, the title is the key to getting people’s attention. With these tips above, you, too, can be creative and defeat your mental block.
Have you overcome your mind block?
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